Ag Tech Academy

The Agriculture Technology Academy (Ag Tech) provides a rigorous four-year program that allows students to gain skill proficiency in diverse agricultural fields while enhancing their college and career readiness. Utilizing state-of-the-art instructional and laboratory facilities, Ag Tech provides advanced curriculum for student skill development in an industry-based and equipped setting.
Ag Tech is a pre-collegiate, district-certified academy that has a four-year sequenced curriculum integrating math, English, social science, and agriculture science. Students are well prepared for the rigors of university academic expectations as well as the world of work.
Today's agriculture is more than you ever imagined! Through hands-on application of learning, students within the Ag Tech Academy are mastering skills that will prepare them to enter college and/or careers in technically advanced fields. The Ag Tech program components include:
- Instructor/peer support as part of a learning community
- College and career readiness activities
- Hands-on learning emphasis
- Leadership, communicative, and cooperative skill development
- Diverse laboratory and field experiences
- Service learning project involvement
- Innovative technology participation
- Mentorships and internships
The Ag Tech Academy offers exciting opportunities for students in the broad and technically challenging fields of agriscience, environmental horticulture, agribusiness and agricultural engineering/manufacturing. Core academic academy courses in English, social science, mathematics, and agriscience fulfill college preparatory requirements while engaging students in interdisciplinary projects.
Students enrolled in this academy must complete a sequence of Career Technical Education courses as well as their core academic courses (e.g., English, mathematics, science, social science, etc.) as one cohort.
Core Courses
- Honors Agricultural Biology
- Applied General Science
- Agricultural Biology
- Animal Anatomy and Physiology of Animals and Plants
- Economics in Agriculture
Elective Courses
- Elements and Principles of Floral Design
- Design and Implementation
- Ranch Animal Science
- Outdoor Recreation and Conservation
- Agriculture Sales and Service ROP
- Floral Design and Merchandising ROP
- Manufacturing Technology-Metals ROP